Edge Bonding as suggested in the name treats the
edges of the tooth.
Again a white filling substance is used to improve
jagged edges that have been caused due to erosion or
other damage. The finished result is smooth-edged
this option will usually last 3-5 years depending on
your bite and how well it is cared for, before needing
further attention
Composite Veneers are where we directly build up the entire outer surface of the tooth and improve its appearance by changing its colour, shape and size.
They are made from the same cosmetic white filling material used in the other types of bonding. It is applied to the tooth freehand by your cosmetic dentist, compared to porcelain veneers made by the laboratory and then stuck onto the tooth.
This option will usually last 3-5 years, depending on your bite and how well it is cared for, before needing further attention
Oradent dental care
We Look Forward To Seeing You At
Your FREE Composite Bonding
and get you started on your journey to
the perfect, Hollywood Smile.
Oradent Dental Care City Way, Rochester
Oradent Dental Care High Street, Rochester